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update Facebook

Update Facebook:

Before and after Facebook
Using facebook There have been a lot of new changes to Facebook, which you need to know. Facebook has begun to increase user activation in newsfood, especially to increase comment.

From newsfood, easy to read update news or easily go to other options, so there are some changes in the design of Facebook. There was a change in the comments on Facebook. On Wednesday, Facebook announced the change.

Facebook's blog post says, "Facebook is helping people to have more vivid and expressive conversations on Facebook. It is important to comment or comment in this case. The comment type has been updated. It will be useful to see if any comments are directly answered. '

Besides, a big change has been made in the design of Facebook. It will be easy to see and read. Things like improved color contrast, great link preview view, likes and updates of icons, comments and share buttons, postdate, or commentator's circular profile pictures have been changed.

Clicking on a link will take you to a site or comments or feedback on a post can be easily understood.

Facebook has also announced separately about the change in camera features. Facebook started adding new features to the camera from March Being able to live directly from Facebook camera, making two-second-looping video GIF and creating full screen text posts.

Facebook enhances messenger It will be able to advise on the intelligent assistant 'M' Speech.

Facebook is taking action against the post of likes and shareholders through fake video.
Facebook is taking action against the post of likes and shareholders through fake video. The previews of the newsflights that have a preview of the movie on the screen like fake Playboy or video will be dropped down to Facebook. The people who want to share this kind of fake video tactical will not be able to see the post. If you do not break the policy, then do not delete those posts. Not only will Newsfeed dominance.

Facebook is now giving more importance to video in news feed. However, if Facebook uses any fixed picture on Facebook, its ranking will be lower than Facebook. Facebook uses 'motion scoring' to detect movements within the video and to identify the videos that are made with the scripts. References: IANS

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